the guilt that lingers longerThis has been a rough year for me. It’s the transition year from my worst year (2023) to be a better person. I did lots of mistakes last…Dec 8Dec 8
Data Structure In A Nutshell #Part 2What is tree, binary search tree as special type of tree, introduction to graph, a brief explanation of dictionary, core concept of hashJun 11Jun 11
Data Structure In A Nutshell #Part 1What is abstract data type; the difference between link, linked list, and double linked list; the difference between stack and queue…Jun 9Jun 9
Compose in Action: Optimizing Your Containerized Applications #Docker Series Part 3What is Docker Compose, basic keywords of Docker Compose, writing Docker ComposeMay 8May 8
Building Blocks of Docker: Creating Custom Images for Your Applications #Docker Series Part 2Explanation of Docker image, overview of Dockerfile, what is multi stage build, creating a custom Docker imageMay 5May 5
Diving into Docker: A Beginner’s Guide to Containerization #Docker Series Part 1What is Docker, comparison with Virtual Machines, key concepts of DockerMay 3May 3
Mastering Object Storage in Go: A Comprehensive Guide to MinIO #MinIO Series Part 3Implementation of MinIO in Go project, CRD (create, read, and delete) object storage with MinIOApr 22Apr 22
Deploying MinIO with Ease: A Step-by-Step Guide Using a VPS and Cloudflare Tunnel #MinIO Series…Deploying MinIO in Linux using VPS, configure your port using Cloudflare TunnelApr 20Apr 20
Understanding MinIO: The Key to Efficient Data Management and Storage #Minio Series Part 1Understanding object storage, introduction MinIO, key concept of MinIOApr 191Apr 191